Source code for highway_env.road.lane

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, List
import numpy as np

from highway_env import utils
from highway_env.types import Vector

[docs]class AbstractLane(object): """A lane on the road, described by its central curve.""" metaclass__ = ABCMeta DEFAULT_WIDTH: float = 4 VEHICLE_LENGTH: float = 5 length: float = 0 line_types: List["LineType"]
[docs] @abstractmethod def position(self, longitudinal: float, lateral: float) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert local lane coordinates to a world position. :param longitudinal: longitudinal lane coordinate [m] :param lateral: lateral lane coordinate [m] :return: the corresponding world position [m] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def local_coordinates(self, position: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Convert a world position to local lane coordinates. :param position: a world position [m] :return: the (longitudinal, lateral) lane coordinates [m] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def heading_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: """ Get the lane heading at a given longitudinal lane coordinate. :param longitudinal: longitudinal lane coordinate [m] :return: the lane heading [rad] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abstractmethod def width_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: """ Get the lane width at a given longitudinal lane coordinate. :param longitudinal: longitudinal lane coordinate [m] :return: the lane width [m] """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def on_lane(self, position: np.ndarray, longitudinal: float = None, lateral: float = None, margin: float = 0) \ -> bool: """ Whether a given world position is on the lane. :param position: a world position [m] :param longitudinal: (optional) the corresponding longitudinal lane coordinate, if known [m] :param lateral: (optional) the corresponding lateral lane coordinate, if known [m] :param margin: (optional) a supplementary margin around the lane width :return: is the position on the lane? """ if not longitudinal or not lateral: longitudinal, lateral = self.local_coordinates(position) is_on = np.abs(lateral) <= self.width_at(longitudinal) / 2 + margin and \ -self.VEHICLE_LENGTH <= longitudinal < self.length + self.VEHICLE_LENGTH return is_on
[docs] def is_reachable_from(self, position: np.ndarray) -> bool: """ Whether the lane is reachable from a given world position :param position: the world position [m] :return: is the lane reachable? """ if self.forbidden: return False longitudinal, lateral = self.local_coordinates(position) is_close = np.abs(lateral) <= 2 * self.width_at(longitudinal) and \ 0 <= longitudinal < self.length + self.VEHICLE_LENGTH return is_close
[docs] def after_end(self, position: np.ndarray, longitudinal: float = None, lateral: float = None) -> bool: if not longitudinal: longitudinal, _ = self.local_coordinates(position) return longitudinal > self.length - self.VEHICLE_LENGTH / 2
[docs] def distance(self, position): """Compute the L1 distance [m] from a position to the lane.""" s, r = self.local_coordinates(position) return abs(r) + max(s - self.length, 0) + max(0 - s, 0)
[docs]class LineType: """A lane side line type.""" NONE = 0 STRIPED = 1 CONTINUOUS = 2 CONTINUOUS_LINE = 3
[docs]class StraightLane(AbstractLane): """A lane going in straight line."""
[docs] def __init__(self, start: Vector, end: Vector, width: float = AbstractLane.DEFAULT_WIDTH, line_types: Tuple[LineType, LineType] = None, forbidden: bool = False, speed_limit: float = 20, priority: int = 0) -> None: """ New straight lane. :param start: the lane starting position [m] :param end: the lane ending position [m] :param width: the lane width [m] :param line_types: the type of lines on both sides of the lane :param forbidden: is changing to this lane forbidden :param priority: priority level of the lane, for determining who has right of way """ self.start = np.array(start) self.end = np.array(end) self.width = width self.heading = np.arctan2(self.end[1] - self.start[1], self.end[0] - self.start[0]) self.length = np.linalg.norm(self.end - self.start) self.line_types = line_types or [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED] self.direction = (self.end - self.start) / self.length self.direction_lateral = np.array([-self.direction[1], self.direction[0]]) self.forbidden = forbidden self.priority = priority self.speed_limit = speed_limit
[docs] def position(self, longitudinal: float, lateral: float) -> np.ndarray: return self.start + longitudinal * self.direction + lateral * self.direction_lateral
[docs] def heading_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: return self.heading
[docs] def width_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: return self.width
[docs] def local_coordinates(self, position: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: delta = position - self.start longitudinal =, self.direction) lateral =, self.direction_lateral) return float(longitudinal), float(lateral)
[docs]class SineLane(StraightLane): """A sinusoidal lane."""
[docs] def __init__(self, start: Vector, end: Vector, amplitude: float, pulsation: float, phase: float, width: float = StraightLane.DEFAULT_WIDTH, line_types: List[LineType] = None, forbidden: bool = False, speed_limit: float = 20, priority: int = 0) -> None: """ New sinusoidal lane. :param start: the lane starting position [m] :param end: the lane ending position [m] :param amplitude: the lane oscillation amplitude [m] :param pulsation: the lane pulsation [rad/m] :param phase: the lane initial phase [rad] """ super().__init__(start, end, width, line_types, forbidden, speed_limit, priority) self.amplitude = amplitude self.pulsation = pulsation self.phase = phase
[docs] def position(self, longitudinal: float, lateral: float) -> np.ndarray: return super().position(longitudinal, lateral + self.amplitude * np.sin(self.pulsation * longitudinal + self.phase))
[docs] def heading_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: return super().heading_at(longitudinal) + np.arctan( self.amplitude * self.pulsation * np.cos(self.pulsation * longitudinal + self.phase))
[docs] def local_coordinates(self, position: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: longitudinal, lateral = super().local_coordinates(position) return longitudinal, lateral - self.amplitude * np.sin(self.pulsation * longitudinal + self.phase)
[docs]class CircularLane(AbstractLane): """A lane going in circle arc."""
[docs] def __init__(self, center: Vector, radius: float, start_phase: float, end_phase: float, clockwise: bool = True, width: float = AbstractLane.DEFAULT_WIDTH, line_types: List[LineType] = None, forbidden: bool = False, speed_limit: float = 20, priority: int = 0) -> None: super().__init__() = np.array(center) self.radius = radius self.start_phase = start_phase self.end_phase = end_phase self.direction = 1 if clockwise else -1 self.width = width self.line_types = line_types or [LineType.STRIPED, LineType.STRIPED] self.forbidden = forbidden self.length = radius*(end_phase - start_phase) * self.direction self.priority = priority self.speed_limit = speed_limit
[docs] def position(self, longitudinal: float, lateral: float) -> np.ndarray: phi = self.direction * longitudinal / self.radius + self.start_phase return + (self.radius - lateral * self.direction)*np.array([np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)])
[docs] def heading_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: phi = self.direction * longitudinal / self.radius + self.start_phase psi = phi + np.pi/2 * self.direction return psi
[docs] def width_at(self, longitudinal: float) -> float: return self.width
[docs] def local_coordinates(self, position: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]: delta = position - phi = np.arctan2(delta[1], delta[0]) phi = self.start_phase + utils.wrap_to_pi(phi - self.start_phase) r = np.linalg.norm(delta) longitudinal = self.direction*(phi - self.start_phase)*self.radius lateral = self.direction*(self.radius - r) return longitudinal, lateral