Make your own environment¶
(config: dict = None)[source]¶ A generic environment for various tasks involving a vehicle driving on a road.
The environment contains a road populated with vehicles, and a controlled ego-vehicle that can change lane and speed. The action space is fixed, but the observation space and reward function must be defined in the environment implementations.
= {'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']}¶
= 180.0¶ The maximum distance of any vehicle present in the observation [m]
(config: dict = None) → None[source]¶ Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
: ActionType = None¶
: ObservationType = None¶
: Optional[Callable] = None¶
() → dict[source]¶ Default environment configuration.
Can be overloaded in environment implementations, or by calling configure(). :return: a configuration dict
(seed: int = None) → List[int][source]¶ Sets the seed for this env’s random number generator(s).
- Note:
Some environments use multiple pseudorandom number generators. We want to capture all such seeds used in order to ensure that there aren’t accidental correlations between multiple generators.
- Returns:
- list<bigint>: Returns the list of seeds used in this env’s random
number generators. The first value in the list should be the “main” seed, or the value which a reproducer should pass to ‘seed’. Often, the main seed equals the provided ‘seed’, but this won’t be true if seed=None, for example.
(action: Union[int, numpy.ndarray]) → float[source]¶ Return the reward associated with performing a given action and ending up in the current state.
- Parameters
action – the last action performed
- Returns
the reward
() → bool[source]¶ Check whether the current state is a terminal state
:return:is the state terminal
(action: Union[int, numpy.ndarray]) → float[source]¶ A constraint metric, for budgeted MDP.
If a constraint is defined, it must be used with an alternate reward that doesn’t contain it as a penalty. :param action: the last action performed :return: the constraint signal, the alternate (constraint-free) reward
() → numpy.ndarray[source]¶ Reset the environment to it’s initial configuration
- Returns
the observation of the reset state
(action: Union[int, numpy.ndarray]) → Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float, bool, dict][source]¶ Perform an action and step the environment dynamics.
The action is executed by the ego-vehicle, and all other vehicles on the road performs their default behaviour for several simulation timesteps until the next decision making step.
- Parameters
action – the action performed by the ego-vehicle
- Returns
a tuple (observation, reward, terminal, info)
(action: Union[int, numpy.ndarray, None] = None) → None[source]¶ Perform several steps of simulation with constant action.
(mode: str = 'human') → Optional[numpy.ndarray][source]¶ Render the environment.
Create a viewer if none exists, and use it to render an image. :param mode: the rendering mode
() → List[int][source]¶ Get the list of currently available actions.
Lane changes are not available on the boundary of the road, and speed changes are not available at maximal or minimal speed.
- Returns
the list of available actions
() → None[source]¶ Automatically render the intermediate frames while an action is still ongoing.
This allows to render the whole video and not only single steps corresponding to agent decision-making.
If a callback has been set, use it to perform the rendering. This is useful for the environment wrappers such as video-recording monitor that need to access these intermediate renderings.
() → highway_env.envs.common.abstract.AbstractEnv[source]¶ Return a simplified copy of the environment where distant vehicles have been removed from the road.
This is meant to lower the policy computational load while preserving the optimal actions set.
- Returns
a simplified environment state
(vehicle_class_path: str) → highway_env.envs.common.abstract.AbstractEnv[source]¶ Change the type of all vehicles on the road
- Parameters
vehicle_class_path – The path of the class of behavior for other vehicles Example: “highway_env.vehicle.behavior.IDMVehicle”
- Returns
a new environment with modified behavior model for other vehicles
(preferred_lane: int = None) → highway_env.envs.common.abstract.AbstractEnv[source]¶
= {'action_type': <class 'highway_env.envs.common.action.ActionType'>, 'automatic_rendering_callback': typing.Union[typing.Callable, NoneType], 'observation_type': <class 'highway_env.envs.common.observation.ObservationType'>}¶
= 'highway_env.envs.common.abstract'¶