
The ControlledVehicle class implements a low-level controller on top of a Vehicle, allowing to track a given target speed and follow a target lane. The controls are computed when calling the act() method.

Longitudinal controller

The longitudinal controller is a simple proportional controller:

\[a = K_p(v_r - v),\]


  • \(a\) is the vehicle acceleration (throttle);

  • \(v\) is the vehicle velocity;

  • \(v_r\) is the reference velocity;

  • \(K_p\) is the controller proportional gain, implemented as KP_A.

It is implemented in the speed_control() method.

Lateral controller

The lateral controller is a simple proportional-derivative controller, combined with some non-linearities that invert those of the kinematics model.

Position control

\[\begin{split}v_{\text{lat},r} &= -K_{p,\text{lat}} \Delta_{\text{lat}}, \\ \Delta \psi_{r} &= \arcsin \left(\frac{v_{\text{lat},r}}{v}\right),\end{split}\]

Heading control

\[\begin{split}\psi_r &= \psi_L + \Delta \psi_{r}, \\ \dot{\psi}_r &= K_{p,\psi} (\psi_r - \psi), \\ \delta &= \arcsin \left(\frac{1}{2} \frac{l}{v} \dot{\psi}_r\right), \\\end{split}\]


  • \(\Delta_{\text{lat}}\) is the lateral position of the vehicle with respect to the lane center-line;

  • \(v_{\text{lat},r}\) is the lateral velocity command;

  • \(\Delta \psi_{r}\) is a heading variation to apply the lateral velocity command;

  • \(\psi_L\) is the lane heading (at some lookahead position to anticipate turns);

  • \(\psi_r\) is the target heading to follow the lane heading and position;

  • \(\dot{\psi}_r\) is the yaw rate command;

  • \(\delta\) is the front wheels angle control;

  • \(K_{p,\text{lat}}\) and \(K_{p,\psi}\) are the position and heading control gains.

It is implemented in the steering_control() method.


class highway_env.vehicle.controller.ControlledVehicle(road: highway_env.road.road.Road, position: Union[numpy.ndarray, Sequence[float]], heading: float = 0, speed: float = 0, target_lane_index: Tuple[str, str, int] = None, target_speed: float = None, route: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] = None)[source]

A vehicle piloted by two low-level controller, allowing high-level actions such as cruise control and lane changes.

  • The longitudinal controller is a speed controller;

  • The lateral controller is a heading controller cascaded with a lateral position controller.

TAU_A = 0.6
TAU_DS = 0.2
PURSUIT_TAU = 0.30000000000000004
KP_A = 1.6666666666666667
KP_LATERAL = 1.6666666666666665
MAX_STEERING_ANGLE = 1.0471975511965976
__init__(road: highway_env.road.road.Road, position: Union[numpy.ndarray, Sequence[float]], heading: float = 0, speed: float = 0, target_lane_index: Tuple[str, str, int] = None, target_speed: float = None, route: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] = None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

target_speed: float = None

Desired velocity.

classmethod create_from(vehicle: highway_env.vehicle.controller.ControlledVehicle) → highway_env.vehicle.controller.ControlledVehicle[source]

Create a new vehicle from an existing one.

The vehicle dynamics and target dynamics are copied, other properties are default.


vehicle – a vehicle


a new vehicle at the same dynamical state

plan_route_to(destination: str) → highway_env.vehicle.controller.ControlledVehicle[source]

Plan a route to a destination in the road network


destination – a node in the road network

act(action: Union[dict, str] = None) → None[source]

Perform a high-level action to change the desired lane or speed.

  • If a high-level action is provided, update the target speed and lane;

  • then, perform longitudinal and lateral control.


action – a high-level action

follow_road() → None[source]

At the end of a lane, automatically switch to a next one.

steering_control(target_lane_index: Tuple[str, str, int]) → float[source]

Steer the vehicle to follow the center of an given lane.

  1. Lateral position is controlled by a proportional controller yielding a lateral speed command

  2. Lateral speed command is converted to a heading reference

  3. Heading is controlled by a proportional controller yielding a heading rate command

  4. Heading rate command is converted to a steering angle


target_lane_index – index of the lane to follow


a steering wheel angle command [rad]

speed_control(target_speed: float) → float[source]

Control the speed of the vehicle.

Using a simple proportional controller.


target_speed – the desired speed


an acceleration command [m/s2]

get_routes_at_intersection() → List[List[Tuple[str, str, int]]][source]

Get the list of routes that can be followed at the next intersection.

set_route_at_intersection(_to: int) → None[source]

Set the road to be followed at the next intersection.

Erase current planned route.


_to – index of the road to follow at next intersection, in the road network

predict_trajectory_constant_speed(times: numpy.ndarray) → Tuple[List[numpy.ndarray], List[float]][source]

Predict the future positions of the vehicle along its planned route, under constant speed


times – timesteps of prediction


positions, headings

__annotations__ = {'target_speed': <class 'float'>}
__module__ = 'highway_env.vehicle.controller'
class highway_env.vehicle.controller.MDPVehicle(road: highway_env.road.road.Road, position: List[float], heading: float = 0, speed: float = 0, target_lane_index: Tuple[str, str, int] = None, target_speed: float = None, route: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] = None)[source]

A controlled vehicle with a specified discrete range of allowed target speeds.

SPEED_COUNT: int = 3
SPEED_MIN: float = 20
SPEED_MAX: float = 30
__init__(road: highway_env.road.road.Road, position: List[float], heading: float = 0, speed: float = 0, target_lane_index: Tuple[str, str, int] = None, target_speed: float = None, route: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] = None) → None[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

act(action: Union[dict, str] = None) → None[source]

Perform a high-level action.

  • If the action is a speed change, choose speed from the allowed discrete range.

  • Else, forward action to the ControlledVehicle handler.


action – a high-level action

classmethod index_to_speed(index: int) → float[source]

Convert an index among allowed speeds to its corresponding speed


index – the speed index []


the corresponding speed [m/s]

__annotations__ = {'SPEED_COUNT': <class 'int'>, 'SPEED_MAX': <class 'float'>, 'SPEED_MIN': <class 'float'>}
__module__ = 'highway_env.vehicle.controller'
classmethod speed_to_index(speed: float) → int[source]

Find the index of the closest speed allowed to a given speed.


speed – an input speed [m/s]


the index of the closest speed allowed []

predict_trajectory(actions: List, action_duration: float, trajectory_timestep: float, dt: float) → List[highway_env.vehicle.controller.ControlledVehicle][source]

Predict the future trajectory of the vehicle given a sequence of actions.

  • actions – a sequence of future actions.

  • action_duration – the duration of each action.

  • trajectory_timestep – the duration between each save of the vehicle state.

  • dt – the timestep of the simulation


the sequence of future states